Silicon Metals Corp.
Silicon Metals Corp.
Silicon Metals Corp. is currently focused on exploration in western Canada, namely British Columbia. The Company holds an undivided 100% right, title and interest in the Ptarmigan Silica Project located approximately 130km from Valemount, British Columbia, and currently has an Option to explore the Hedge Hog Project located 15km north of the town of Wells in the Caribou Mining Division of central British Columbia.
Silicon Metals Corp. (SI)
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SEDAR Information
Information d'entreprise
Company Officers
Communiqués de presse
2024-1010 – Changement de Nom et de Symbole - West Oak Gold Corp. (WO)
le 10 octobre/October 2024
West Oak Gold Corp. (WO) has announced a name and symbol change to Silicon Metals Corp. (SI)
Shares will begin trading under the new name and symbol and with a new CUSIP number on October 11, 2024.
Disclosure documents are available at